The Applications of Probability to Cryptography by Alan M. Turing.
From the copyright page:
The underlying manuscript is held by the National Archives in the UK and can be accessed at using reference number HW 25/37. Readers are encouraged to obtain a copy.
The original work was under Crown copyright, which has now expired, and the work is now in the public domain.
You can go directly to the record page:
To get a useful image, you need to add the item to your basket for £3.30.
The manuscript is a mixture of typed text with inserted mathematical expressions added by hand (along with other notes and corrections). This is a typeset version that attempts to capture the original manuscript.
Another recently declassified Turning paper (typeset): The Statistics of Repetition.
Important reads. Turing would appreciate the need to exclude government from our day to day lives.
[…] Two more papers are available from Alan Turing, the father of modern computing and an important cryptologist. […]
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