Carlo Zapponi created, a visualization of sorting resource that steps through different sorting algorithms. You can choose from four different initial states, six (6) different sizes (5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100), and six (6) different colors.
The page defaults to Quick Sort and Heap Sort, but under add algorithms you will find:
- Bubble Sort
- Cocktail Sort
- Comb Sort
- Cycle Sort
- Gnome Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort (In-Place)
- Odd-Even Sort
- Quick Sort 3-Way
- Radix Sort Worst Case
- Selection Sort
- Shell Sort (Ciura, 2001)
- Shell Sort (Knuth, 1973)
- Shell Sort (Shell, 1959)
- Smoothsort
I added Wikipedia links for the algorithms. For a larger list see:
Sorting algorithm.
I first saw this in a tweet by Eric Christensen.