Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 20, 2015

Hacking Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi:…

Filed under: Cybersecurity,Security — Patrick Durusau @ 7:41 pm

Hacking Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi: Practical Attacks Against Wi-Fi Security

From the post:

While the access points in organizations are usually under the protection of organization-wide security policies, home routers are less likely to be appropriately configured by their owners in absence of such central control. This provides a window of opportunity to neighboring Wi-Fi hackers. We talk about hacking a neighbor’s Wi-Fi since proximity to the access point is a must for wireless hacking—which is not an issue for a neighbor with an external antenna. With abundance of automated Wi-Fi hacking tools such as ‘Wifite’, it no longer takes a skilled attacker to breach Wi-Fi security. Chances are high that one of your tech-savvy neighbors would eventually exploit a poorly configured access point. The purpose may or may not be malicious; sometimes it may simply be out of curiosity. However, it is best to be aware of and secure your Wi-Fi against attacks from such parties.

For all the attention that bank and insurance company hacks get, having your own Wi-Fi hacked would be personally annoying.

Take the opportunity to check and correct any Wi-Fi security issues with your network. If you aren’t easy, it may encourage script kiddies to go elsewhere. And could make life more difficult for the alphabet agencies, which is always an added plus.

I first saw this in a tweet by NuHarbor Security.

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