From the webpage:
Now what is it?
NDS Labs is an environment where developers can prototype tools and capabilities that help build out the NDS framework and services. Labs provides development teams with access to significant storage, machines that can run services, and useful tools for managing and manipulating data.
We have set up NDS Labs as a place to learn through building what is needed in a national data infrastructure. It’s an environment that enables a developer or a small team of developers to explore an innovative idea, prototype a service, or connect existing applications together to build out the NDS ecosystem.
Find out more about:
- the purpose of NDS Labs
- what makes a good project for Labs
- useful resources and tools available in Labs
- how to get apply and get access to Labs
- how build things in Labs
NDS Labs is just one way to join the NDS community.
Still in the early stages, formulating governance structures, etc. but certainly a deeply interesting project!
I first saw this in a tweet by Kirk Borne.