Google News: The biggest missed opportunity in media right now by Mathew Ingram.
From the post:
Almost every time I talk to a journalist who spends a lot of time online and the subject of Google News comes up, there is a shared sense of frustration: namely, frustration over how little the site has changed over the years since it launched, and how much more it could do if Google really wanted it to — what a powerful tool it could be. I was reminded of this again when I came across a presentation that a German designer came up with that involved a wholesale redesign and re-thinking of what Google News is and does.
I found George Kvasnikov’s presentation because of a post at the design and culture site PSFK — the original was posted on the design community Behance a couple of months ago, after what Kvasnikov said was a lot of brainstorming followed by about five weeks worth of wireframing and other mockup-related work. What he came up with isn’t perfect by any means, but it has some interesting elements — and at least it is an attempt to bring Google News kicking and screaming into the future, instead of looking like it was embalmed not long after it launched.
A number of great suggestions but the one I didn’t see was offering more information about individuals, locations or other subjects in a story. Multiple perspectives are essential but when pressed for time, I would much prefer to not search for URLs for projects and basic information about the same. Ditto for people and locations.
What I don’t know is the best method for delivery of such snippets of data. Suggestions?