Using Clojure To Generate Java To Reimplement Clojure by Zach Tellman.
From the post:
Most data structures are designed to hold arbitrary amounts of data. When we talk about their complexity in time and space, we use big O notation, which is only concerned with performance characteristics as n grows arbitrarily large. Understanding how to cast an O(n) problem as O(log n) or even O(1) is certainly valuable, and necessary for much of the work we do at Factual. And yet, most instances of data structures used in non-numerical software are very small. Most lists are tuples of a few entries, and most maps are a few keys representing different facets of related data. These may be elements in a much larger collection, but this still means that the majority of operations we perform are on small instances.
But except in special cases, like 2 or 3-vectors that represent coordinates, it’s rarely practical to specify that a particular tuple or map will always have a certain number of entries. And so our data structures have to straddle both cases, behaving efficiently at all possible sizes. Clojure, however, uses immutable data structures, which means it can do an end run on this problem. Each operation returns a new collection, which means that if we add an element to a small collection, it can return something more suited to hold a large collection.
Tellman describes this problem and his solution in Predictably Fast Clojure. (The URL is to a time mark but I think the entire video is worth your time.)
If that weren’t cool enough, Tellman details the creation of 1000 lines of Clojure that generate 5500 lines of Java so his proposal can be rolled into Clojure.
What other data structures can be different when immutability is a feature?