Anthony Damico has “unlocked” a number of public survey data sets with blog posts that detail how to analyze those sets with R.
Forty-six (46) data set are covered so far:
unlocked public-use data sets
- american community survey (acs)
- american housing survey (ahs)
- american national election studies (anes)
- american time use survey (atus)
- area resource file (arf)
- basic stand alone medicare claims public use files (bsapufs)
- behavioral risk factor surveillance system (brfss)
- censo demografico no brasil (censo)
- consumer expenditure survey (ce)
- current population survey (cps)
- demographic and health surveys (dhs)
- european social survey (ess)
- fda adverse event reporting system (faers)
- general social survey (gss)
- health and retirement study (hrs)
- health professional shortage areas (hpsa)
- home mortgage disclosure act (hmda)
- medical expenditure panel survey (meps)
- medical large claims experience study (mlces)
- medicare current beneficiary survey (mcbs)
- national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes)
- national health interview survey (nhis)
- national household travel survey (nhts)
- national immunization survey (nis)
- national longitudinal study of adolescent health (addhealth)
- national plan and provider enumeration system (nppes)
- national study on drug use and health (nsduh)
- national survey of children's health (nsch)
- national survey of oaa participants (nps)
- national vital statistics system (nvss)
- new york city housing and vacancy survey (nychvs)
- panel study of income dynamics (psid)
- pesquisa de orcamentos familiares (pof)
- pesquisa mensal de emprego (pme)
- pesquisa nacional por amostra de domicilios (pnad)
- program for international student assessment (pisa)
- programme for the international assessment of adult competencies (piaac)
- public libraries survey (pls)
- social security administration public use microdata files (ssapumf)
- surveillance epidemiology and end results (seer)
- survey of business owners (sbo)
- survey of consumer finances (scf)
- survey of income and program participation (sipp)
- united states decennial census public use microdata sample (pums)
- world values survey (wvs)
- youth risk behavior surveillance system (yrbss)
An impressive donation of value to R and public data and an example that merits emulation! Pass this along.
I first saw this in a tweet by Sharon Machlis.