Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 13, 2014

Introduction to Graphing with D3.js

Filed under: D3,Graphics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:28 pm

Introduction to Graphing with D3.js by Jan Milosh.

From the post:

D3.js ( stands for Data-Driven Documents, a JavaScript library for data visualization. It was created by Mike Bostock, based on his PhD studies in the Stanford University data visualization program. Mike now works at the New York Times who sponsors his open source work.

D3 was designed for more than just graphs and charts. It’s also capable of presenting maps, networks, and ordered lists. It was created for the efficient manipulation of documents based on data.

This demonstration will focus on creating a simple scatter plot.

If you are not already using D3 for graphics, Jan’s post is an easy introduction with additional references to take you further.


I first saw this in a tweet by Christophe Viau.

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