Provides scanned annual report documents (e.g. in PDF format) for US and Canadian publicly traded companies, with more than 20 years of historical reports available.
According to the Mergent Annual Reports API docs you can search on:
- nameContains
- naicsPrefix
- primaryCusipPrefix
- primaryTicker
- sicPrefix
The SEC’s Edgar tutorial mentions that the SEC has full text of annual reports and attachments for the last four (4) years.
So the omission of full-text searching looks odd.
- Review the Edgar documentation. What other fixed fields would you add to this interface and why? (2-3 pages, no citations)
- Would you offer full-text searching? If yes, what do you gain? If no, why not? (2-3 pages, no citations)
- What other information (this source or some other) would you want to include? Why? (2-3 pages, no citations)