Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 12, 2014

Importing CSV data into Neo4j…

Filed under: CSV,Graphs,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 7:44 pm

Importing CSV data into Neo4j to make a graph by Samantha Zeitlin.

From the post:

Thanks to a friend who wants to help more women get into tech careers, last year I attended Developer Week, where I was impressed by a talk about Neo4j.

Graph databases excited me right away, since this is a concept I’ve used for brainstorming since 3rd grade, when my teachers Mrs. Nysmith and Weaver taught us to draw webbings as a way to take notes and work through logic puzzles.

Samantha is successful at importing CSV data into Neo4j but only after encountering an out-dated blog post, a stack overflow example and then learning there is a new version of the importer available.

True, many of us learned *nix from the man pages but while effective, I can’t really say it was an efficient way to learn *nix.

Most people have a task for your software. They are not seeking to mind meld with it or to take it up as a new religion.

Emphasize the ease of practical use of your software and you will gain devotees despite it being easy to use.

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