GATE (general architecture for text engineering) 8.0
From the download page:
Release 8.0 (May 11th 2014)
Most users should download the installer package (~450MB):
- Generic installer for any platform – this is an executable JAR file that should run when you double click it, if this fails run it from the command line using java -jar gate-8.0-build4825-installer.jar
- Platform-specific installer for Windows
If the installer does not work for you, you can download one of the following packages instead. See the user guide for installation instructions:
- is a binary-only package.
[Around 434MB]- is a source package.
[Around 409MB]- is a documentation-only package.
[Around 30MB]- is binary + source + docs
package. [Around 481MB]The BIN, SRC and ALL packages all include the full set of GATE plugins and all the libraries GATE requires to run, including sample trained models for the LingPipe and OpenNLP plugins.
Version 8.0 requires Java 7 or 8, and Mac users must install the full JDK, not just the JRE.
Four major changes in this release:
- Requires Java 7 or later to run
- Tools for Twitter.
- ANNIE (named entity annotation pipeline) Refreshed.
- Tools for Crowd Sourcing.
Not bad for a project that will turn twenty (20) next year!
More resources:
Mastering a substantial portion of GATE should keep you in nearly constant demand.