DH Tools for Beginners by Quinn Warnick.
A short collection of tutorials for “digital humanities novices.”
It is a good start and if you know of other resources or want to author such tutorials, please do.
I don’t know that I was ever entirely comfortable with the phrase “digital humanities.”
In part because it creates an odd division between humanists and humanists who use digital tools.
We don’t call literature scholars who use concordances “concordance humanists.”
Any more than we call scholars who use bibliographic materials “bibliographic humanists.”
Mostly because concordances and bibliographic materials are tools by which one does humanities research and scholarship.
Shouldn’t that be the same for “digital” humanities?
That digital tools are simply more tools for doing humanities research and scholarship?
Given the recent and ongoing assaults on the humanities in general, standing closer together and not further apart as humanists sounds like a good idea.