OK, I shortened the headline.
Don’t try that without coffee in the morning.
From the post:
The Accenture and MIT Alliance in Business Analytics have launched an annual data science challenge for 2014 that is being conducted in collaboration with the city of Chicago.
The challenge invites MIT students to analyze Chicago’s publicly available data sets and develop data visualizations that will provide the city with insights that can help it better serve residents, visitors, and businesses. Through data visualization, or visual renderings of data sets, people with no background in data analysis can more easily understand insights from complex data sets.
The headline is longer than the first paragraph of the story.
I didn’t see an explanation for why the challenge is limited to:
The challenge is now open and ends April 30. Registration is free and open to active MIT students 18 and over (19 in Alabama and Nebraska). Register and see the full rule here: http://aba.mit.edu/challenge.
Find a sponsor and setup an annual data mining challenge for your school or organization.
Although I would suggest you take a pass on Bogata, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Washington, D.C. and similar places where truthful auditing could be hazardous to your health.
Or as one of my favorite Dilbert cartoons had the pointy-haired boss observing:
“When you find a big pot of crazy it’s best not to stir it.“