Stardog 2.1 Hits Scalability Breakthrough
From the post:
The new release (2.1) of Stardog, a leading RDF database, hits new scalability heights with a 50-fold increase over previous versions. Using commodity server hardware at the $10,000 price point, Stardog can manage, query, search, and reason over datasets as large as 50B RDF triples.
The new scalability increases put Stardog into contention for the largest semantic technology, linked data, and other graph data enterprise projects. Stardog’s unique feature set, including reasoning and integrity constraint validation, at large scale means it will increasingly serve as the basis for complex software projects.
A 50-fold increase in performance! That’s impressive!
The post points to Kendall Clark’s blog for the details.
As you may be guessing, better hashing and memory usage were some of the major keys to the speedup.