From the homepage:
The Mole is the Royal Society of Chemistry’s magazine for students, and anyone inspired to dig deeper into chemistry.
In the latest issue (as of today):
Find out how chemistry plays a central role in revealing how our ancestors once lived • Discover how lucrative markets are found in leftover lobster • Make your own battery from the contents of your fruit bowl • What did Egyptian mummies have for dinner? • How to control the weather so it rains where we need it to • Excavate the facts about a chemist working as an archaeologist • Discover how chemistry can reveal secrets hidden in art
Of course there is a wordsearch puzzle and a chemical acrostic on the final page.
Always interesting to learn new information and to experience “other” views of the world. May lessen your chances of answering a client before they finish outlining their problem.
I first learned of the Mole in a tweet by ChemistryWorld.