Paginated Collections with Ember.js + Solr + Rails by Eduardo Figarola.
From the post:
This time, I would like to show you how to add a simple pagination helper to your Ember.js application.
For this example, I will be using Rails + Solr for the backend and Ember.js as my frontend framework.
I am doing this with Rails and Solr, but you can do it using other backend frameworks, as long as the JSON’s response resembles what we have here:
I mention this just on the off-chance that you will encounter users requesting pagination.
I’m not sure anything beyond page 1 and page 2 is needed for most pagination needs.
I remember reading in a study of query behavior using PubMed, you better have a disease that appears in the first two pages of results.
Anywhere beyond the first two pages, well, your family’s best hope is that you have life insurance.
If a client asks for beyond 2 pages of results, I would suggest monitoring search query behavior for say six months.
Just to give them an idea of what beyond page two is really accomplishing.