Boutique Graph Data with Titan by Marko A. Rodriguez.
From the post:
Titan is a distributed graph database capable of supporting graphs on the order of 100 billion edges and sustaining on the order of 1 billion transactions a day (see Educating the Planet with Pearson). Software architectures that leverage such Big Graph Data typically have 100s of application servers traversing a distributed graph represented across a multi-machine cluster. These architectures are not common in that perhaps only 1% of applications written today require that level of software/machine power to function. The other 99% of applications may only require a single machine to store and query their data (with a few extra nodes for high availability). Such boutique graph applications, which typically maintain on the order of 100 million edges, are more elegantly served by Titan 0.4.1+. In Titan 0.4.1, the in-memory caches have been advanced to support faster traversals which makes Titan’s single-machine performance comparable to other single machine-oriented graph databases. Moreover, as the application scales beyond the confines of a single machine, simply adding more nodes to the Titan cluster allows boutique graph applications to seamlessly grow to become Big Graph Data applications (see Single Server to Highly Available Cluster).
A short walk on the technical side of Titan.
I would replace “boutique” with “big data” and say Titan allows customers to seamlessly transition from “big data” to “bigger data.”
Having “big data” is like having a large budget under your control.
What matters is the user is the status of claiming to possess it.
Let’s not disillusion them. 😉