PowerLyra by Danny Bickson.
Danny has posted an email from Rong Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which reads in part:
We argued that skewed distribution in natural graphs also calls for differentiated processing of high-degree and low-degree vertices. We then developed PowerLyra, a new graph analytics engine that embraces the best of both worlds of existing frameworks, by dynamically applying different computation and partition strategies for different vertices. PowerLyra uses Pregel/GraphLab like computation models for process low-degree vertices to minimize computation, communication and synchronization overhead, and uses PowerGraph-like computation model for process high-degree vertices to reduce load imbalance and contention. To seamless support all PowerLyra application, PowerLyra further introduces an adaptive unidirectional graph communication.
PowerLyra additionally proposes a new hybrid graph cut algorithm that embraces the best of both worlds in edge-cut and vertex-cut, which adopts edge-cut for low-degree vertices and vertex-cut for high-degree vertices. Theoretical analysis shows that the expected replication factor of random hybrid-cut is always better than both random vertex-cut and edge-cut. For skewed power-law graph, empirical validation shows that random hybrid-cut also decreases the replication factor of current default heuristic vertex-cut (Grid) from 5.76X to 3.59X and from 18.54X to 6.76X for constant 2.2 and 1.8 of synthetic graph respectively. We also develop a new distributed greedy heuristic hybrid-cut algorithm, namely Ginger, inspired by Fennel (a greedy streaming edge-cut algorithm for a single machine). Compared to Gird vertex-cut, Ginger can reduce the replication factor by up to 2.92X (from 2.03X) and 3.11X (from 1.26X) for synthetic and real-world graphs accordingly.
Finally, PowerLyra adopts locality-conscious data layout optimization in graph ingress phase to mitigate poor locality during vertex communication. we argue that a small increase of graph ingress time (less than 10% for power-law graph and 5% for real-world graph) is more worthwhile for an often larger speedup in execution time (usually more than 10% speedup, specially 21% for Twitter follow graph).
Right now, PowerLyra is implemented as an execution engine and graph partitions of GraphLab, and can seamlessly support all GraphLab applications. A detail evaluation on 48-node cluster using three different graph algorithms (PageRank, Approximate Diameter and Connected Components) show that PowerLyra outperforms current synchronous engine with Grid partition of PowerGraph (Jul. 8, 2013. commit:fc3d6c6) by up to 5.53X (from 1.97X) and 3.26X (from 1.49X) for real-world (Twitter, UK-2005, Wiki, LiveJournal and WebGoogle) and synthetic (10-million vertex power-law graph ranging from 1.8 to 2.2) graphs accordingly, due to significantly reduced replication factor, less communication cost and improved load balance.
The website of PowerLyra: http://ipads.se.sjtu.edu.cn/projects/powerlyra.html
Pass this along if you are interested in cutting edge graph software development.