Solr-RA – Solr With RankingAlgorithm WARNING!
Google has become very aggressive with search completions and while trying to search for “solr,” Google completed it to Solr-RA.
On the homepage you will see:
Downloads (it is free) (emphasis added)
But there is also a rather prominent Software Agreement.
I can blow by EULAs with the best of them but I think you may want to read this license before you hit download. Seriously.
I am not going to give you legal advice on what I think it says or does not say.
All I want to do is give you a heads up to read the license for yourself. Then decide on your course of action.
I have no problems with commercial software.
But I do prefer to see “trial” or “limited license,” or some other notice of pending obligation on my part.
Please forward this about.