Neo4j: Exploring new data sets with help from Neo4j browser by Mark Needham.
From the post:
One of the things that I’ve found difficult when looking at a new Neo4j database is working out the structure of the data it contains.
I’m used to relational databases where you can easily get a list of the table and the foreign keys that allow you to join them to each other.
This has traditionally been difficult when using Neo4j but with the release of the Neo4j browser we can now easily get this type of overview by clicking on the Neo4j icon at the top left of the browser.
We’ll see something similar to the image on the left which shows the structure of my football graph and we can now discover parts of the graph by clicking on the various labels, properties or relationships.
See Mark’s post to follow along.
Oh, you don’t have the latest release?
Best correct that over sight before reading Mark’s post!