a Google example: preattentive attributes
From the post:
The topic of my short preso at the visual.ly meet up last week in Mountain View was preattentive attributes. I started by discussing exactly what preattentive attributes are (those aspects of a visual that our iconic memory picks up, like color, size, orientation, and placement on page) and how they can be used strategically in data visualization (for more on this, check out my last blog post). Next, I talked through a Google before-and-after example applying the lesson, which I’ll now share with you here.
“Preattentive attributes.”
Now there is a concept to work into interface/presentation design!
Would its opposite be:
“Counter-intuitive attributes?
Are you using “preattentive attributes” in interfaces/presentations or do you rely on what you find intuitive/transparent?
I first saw this cited at Chart Porn.