Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 26, 2010

Publication, Publication

Filed under: Marketing,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 11:33 am

Publication, Publication is the location of Gary King’s paper by the same title, with updates to the paper and related resources.

The paper is details how to take students through replication of an existing published article. In order to teach students how produce professional quality papers by having the original and their attempt to replicate it.

I mention it because topic maps are sorely lacking in a publication record. At least in professional, trade and popular literature.

Maybe due to the lack of a marketing person, something that was mentioned recently. 😉

But, like a blog, it could not be just one piece replicated a bunch of times or just an occasional blurb.

It would have to be a steady drum beat, both theoretical (yes, I used the “T” word) as well as practical pieces.

I will be looking for takers in professional and trade literature, not in replies here.

Questions (of course there are questions, this is a topic maps class):

  1. What journal or magazine (print/online) would you suggest for a topic map article? What should that article focus on and why? (2-3 pages)
  2. What federal or state agency do you think needs a topic map? Be specific with references to resources illustrating the problem to be solved. (3-5 pages, citations)
  3. What is the most compelling story line for topic maps in general? For a specific case? Write 1 pagers for both.
  4. Replicate a paper (chosen with instructor, semester project).

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