Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 2, 2013

Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Solr

Filed under: Entity Extraction,Entity Resolution,Named Entity Mining,Solr — Patrick Durusau @ 2:43 pm

Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Solr

From the post:

Named Entity Recognition, or NER for short, is a powerful paradigm which causes entities to be recognized within text. Typically these objects can be places, organizations or people. For example, given the phrase “Jon works at Searchbox”, a good NER would return that Jon is a person and Searchbox is an organization. Why is this powerful, especially in Solr? Using this information we can not only propose better suggestions for users searching for things, but using Solr faceting capability we’ll have the ability to facet directly on organizations (or people) without having to manually identify them in all of the documents.

In this blog post, extending from our two previous slideshares on how to develop search components and request handlers, we’ll teach you how to directly embed Stanford’s NER library into a production ready plugin which provides all of the mentioned benefits. We of course provide the full source code packaging here.

Very nice walk through on entity recognition with Solr.

Thought occurs to me that every instance of an entity that is recognized, could be presented to a user as occurrences of that entity. Plugging that search result into a topic that represents the subject.

So there is some static aspect to the topic map, the topic for that subject and a dynamic aspect, being the search results presented as occurrences.

You could enter information or relationships you discover in the occurrences on the static side of the map. Let software manage metadata from the document containing the occurrence.

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