Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 27, 2013

elasticsearch 0.90.2

Filed under: ElasticSearch,Geo-Indexing,Georeferencing — Patrick Durusau @ 12:52 pm

0.90.2 released by Clinton Gormley.

From the post:

The Elasticsearch dev team are pleased to announce the release of elasticsearch 0.90.2, which is based on Lucene 4.3.1. You can download it here.

We recommend upgrading to 0.90.2 from 0.90.1, especially if you are using the terms-lookup filter, as this release includes some enhancements and bug fixes to terms lookup.

Besides the other enhancements and bug-fixes, which you can read about on the issues list, there is one new feature that is particularly worth mentioning: improved support for geohashes on geopoints:

A geohash is a string representing an area on earth – the longer the string the more precise the geohash. A geohash just one character long refers to an area with a very rough precision: +/- 2500 km. A geohash of length 8 would be accurate to within 20m, etc. Because a geohash is just a string, we can index it in Elasticsearch and take advantage of the inverted index to make blazingly fast geo-location queries.

Wikipedia on Geohash. Numerous external links, including Enter geo-coordinates or a geohash, displays map with location displayed.

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