Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 24, 2013

GraphLab Image Processing Toolkit – Image Stitching

Filed under: GraphLab,Graphs,Image Processing — Patrick Durusau @ 1:25 pm

GraphLab Image Processing Toolkit – Image Stitching by Danny Bickson.

From the post:

We got some exciting news from Dhruv Batra from Virginia Tech:

Dear Graphlab team,

As most of you know, I was working on the Graphlab computer vision toolbox last summer. The motivation behind it was to provide distributed implementations of computer vision algorithms as a service.

In that spirit, I am happy to announce that that my students and I have a produced a first version of CloudCV.

— In the first version, the only implemented algorithm is image stitching
— The front-end allows you to upload a collection of images, which will be stitched to create a panorama.

— The back-end is a server in my lab running our local repository of graphlab
— We are currently running stitching in shared-memory parallel mode with ncpus = 3.

— The ‘terminal’ in the webpage will show you familiar looking messages from graphlab.


Danny includes some images to try out.

Or, you can try some images from your favorite image repository. 😉

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