From the website:
1. Publish your data
Good news! You’ve already done this bit (or you’re about to). Now let’s make your data easier for people to find, use and share.
2. Check it with our questionnaire
Our helpful questions act like a checklist. They explain your options about how to publish good open data and give you clear and recognised targets to aim for.
3. Share it with a certificate
Your answers determine which of our four certificates you generate. Each one means success in a unique way and demonstrates you are a leader in open data.
From the questionnaire:
This self-assessment questionnaire generates an open data certificate and badge you can publish to tell people all about this open data. We also use your answers to learn how organisations publish open data.
When you answer these questions it demonstrates your efforts to comply with relevant UK legislation. You should also check which other laws and policies apply to your sector, especially if you’re outside the UK (which these questions don’t cover).
The self-assessment aspect of the certificate seems problematic to me.
Too many bad experiences with SDOs that rely on self-assessment in place of independent review.
Having said that, the checklist will help those interested in producing quality data products.
Perhaps there is a commercial opportunity in assessing open data sets?