Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 8, 2013

Shortest path with Dijkstra

Filed under: Graphs — Patrick Durusau @ 2:27 pm

Shortest path with Dijkstra by Justin Bozonier.

From the post:

Tonight I decided my study time would be to sit down and implement Djikstra’s algorithm in Python to help me understand it. When coding up a solution to a problem like this I tend to try to not look at other solutions so I won’t be tempted to cheat and skip steps in the learning process. Hopefully that means a more thorough explanation as well as code that makes more sense to someone just learning.

So first what is a “shortest path” algorithm and why Djikstra’s algorithm specifically?

Shortest path algorithms can be most easily related to a class of problem every online driving direction service (like MapQuest or Google Maps) has to solve. These problems work with a concept known as a directed weighted graph which is a collection of points with connections to other points as well as a cost for each connection. Here, it might help to visualize it:

One of the more fundamental graph algorithms.

Take special note:

I also instrumented my code to explain each step of the algorithm here (settle in, it’s gonna be a long one):

I first saw this at DZone.

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