Orient: The Database For The Web
Nice slide deck if you need something for the company CTO.
Perhaps to justify a NOSQL conference or further investigation into NOSQL as an option.
I was deeply amused by slide 19’s claim of “Ø Config.”
Maybe true if I am running it on my laptop during a conference presentation.
A bit more thought required for use in or with a topic map system.
Orient is an impressive bit of software and is likely to be used or encountered by topic mappers.
- Uses of OrientDB in library contexts? (3-5 pages, citations/links)
- Download and install OrientDB. How do you evaluate it’s claim of “Ø Config?” (3-5 pages, no citations)
- Extra credit: As librarians you will be asked to evaluate vendor claims about software. Develop a finding aid on software evaluation for librarians faced with that task. (3-5 pages, citations)