Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

March 22, 2013

A Distributed Graph Engine…

Filed under: Distributed Systems,Graphs,RDF,Trinity — Patrick Durusau @ 5:56 am

A Distributed Graph Engine for Web Scale RDF Data by Kai Zeng, Jiacheng Yang, Haixum Wang, Bin Shao and Zhongyuan Wang.


Much work has been devoted to supporting RDF data. But state-of-the-art systems and methods still cannot handle web scale RDF data e ffectively. Furthermore, many useful and general purpose graph-based operations (e.g., random walk, reachability, community discovery) on RDF data are not supported, as most existing systems store and index data in particular ways (e.g., as relational tables or as a bitmap matrix) to maximize one particular operation on RDF data: SPARQL query processing. In this paper, we introduce Trinity.RDF, a distributed, memory-based graph engine for web scale RDF data. Instead of managing the RDF data in triple stores or as bitmap matrices, we store RDF data in its native graph form. It achieves much better (sometimes orders of magnitude better) performance for SPARQL queries than the state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, since the data is stored in its native graph form, the system can support other operations (e.g., random walks, reachability) on RDF graphs as well. We conduct comprehensive experimental studies on real life, web scale RDF data to demonstrate the e ffectiveness of our approach.

From the conclusion:

We propose a scalable solution for managing RDF data as graphs in a distributed in-memory key-value store. Our query processing and optimization techniques support SPARQL queries without relying on join operations, and we report performance numbers of querying against RDF datasets of billions of triples. Besides scalability, our approach also has the potential to support queries and analytical tasks that are far more advanced than SPARQL queries, as RDF data is stored as graphs. In addition, our solution only utilizes basic (distributed) key-value store functions and thus can be ported to any in-memory key-value store.

A result that is:

  • scalable
  • goes beyond SPARQL
  • can be ported to any in-memory key-value store

Merits a very close read.

Makes me curious what other data models would work better if cast as graphs?

I first saw this in a tweet by Juan Sequeda.

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