Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 25, 2013

Drill Sideways faceting with Lucene

Filed under: Facets,Indexing,Lucene,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 5:13 am

Drill Sideways faceting with Lucene by Mike McCandless.

From the post:

Lucene’s facet module, as I described previously, provides a powerful implementation of faceted search for Lucene. There’s been a lot of progress recently, including awesome performance gains as measured by the nightly performance tests we run for Lucene:

[3.8X speedup!]


For example, try searching for an LED television at Amazon, and look at the Brand field, seen in the image to the right: this is a multi-select UI, allowing you to select more than one value. When you select a value (check the box or click on the value), your search is filtered as expected, but this time the field does not disappear: it stays where it was, allowing you to then drill sideways on additional values. Much better!

LinkedIn’s faceted search, seen on the left, takes this even further: not only are all fields drill sideways and multi-select, but there is also a text box at the bottom for you to choose a value not shown in the top facet values.

To recap, a single-select field only allows picking one value at a time for filtering, while a multi-select field allows picking more than one. Separately, drilling down means adding a new filter to your search, reducing the number of matching docs. Drilling up means removing an existing filter from your search, expanding the matching documents. Drilling sideways means changing an existing filter in some way, for example picking a different value to filter on (in the single-select case), or adding another or’d value to filter on (in the multi-select case). (images omitted)

More details: DrillSideways class being developed under LUCENE-4748.

Just following the progress on Lucene is enough to make you dizzy!

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