Oracle Text Search doesn’t work on some words (Stackoverflow)
From the post:
I am using Oracle’ Text Search for my project. I created a ctxsys.context index on my column and inserted one entry “Would you like some wine???”. I executed the query
select guid, text, score(10) from triplet where contains (text, ‘Would’, 10) > 0
it gave me no results. Querying ‘you’ and ‘some’ also return zero results. Only ‘like’ and ‘wine’ matches the record. Does Oracle consider you, would, some as stop words?? How can I let Oracle match these words? Thank you.
I mention this because Oracle Text Workaround for Stop Words List (Beyond Search) reports this as “interesting.”
Hardly. Stop lists are a common feature of text searching.
Moreover, the stop list in question, dates back in MySQL to 3.23.
11.9.4. Full-Text Stopwords excludes “you,” and “would” from indexing.
Suggestions of other stop word lists that exclude “you,” and “would?”