Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 21, 2013

Why Business Intelligence Software Is Failing Business

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability — Patrick Durusau @ 8:37 pm

Why Business Intelligence Software Is Failing Business

From the post:

Business intelligence software is supposed to help businesses access and analyze data and communicate analytics and metrics. I have witnessed improvements to BI software over the years, from mobile and collaboration to interactive discovery and visualization, and our Value Index for Business Intelligence finds a mature set of technology vendors and products. But even as these products mature in capabilities, the majority lack features that would make them easy to use. Our recent research on next-generation business intelligence found that usability is the most important evaluation criteria for BI technology, outpacing functionality (49%) and even manageability (47%). The pathetic state of dashboards and the stupidity of KPI illustrate some of the obvious ways the software needs to improve for businesses to gain the most value from it. We need smarter business intelligence, and that means not just more advanced sets of capabilities that are designed for the analysts, but software designed for those who need to use BI information.

BI considerations

Our research finds the need to collaborate and share (67%) and inform and deliver (61%) are in the top five evaluation categories for software. A few communication improvements, highlighted below, would help organizations better utilize analytics and BI information.

Imagine that, usability is ahead of functionality.

Successful semantic software vendors will draw several lessons from this post.

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