U.S. House of Representatives floor proceedings for the 109th Congress, 1st Session (2005) to 113th Congress, 1st Session-to-Date (2013) are now available for download in XML. (House Floor Activities Download)
One obvious test of the data, the House vote on the “fiscal cliff” legislation.
In fact, the Clerk of the House for January 01, 2013, has posted a web version of that day.
Question: If you download 112th Congress, 2nd Session (2012), will you find the vote on the “fiscal cliff” legislation?
Answer: No!
The entire legislative day in the House of Representatives is missing from the 112th Congress, 2nd Session (2012) file.
See for yourself: I have uploaded the 112th Congress, 2nd Session (2012) and the Clerk of the House of Representatives file for January 1, 2013, in the file: Missing1January2013.
Search for: “On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendments Agreed to by recorded vote: 257 – 167” in HDoc-112-2-FloorProceedings.xml. (112th Congress, 2nd Session).
Typos and errors happen all the time. To everyone. But missing an entire day is more than just a typo. It indicates a lack of concern for quality control.