Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 7, 2013

A new Lucene highlighter is born [The final inch problem]

Filed under: Indexing,Lucene,Searching,Synonymy — Patrick Durusau @ 10:27 am

A new Lucene highlighter is born Mike McCandless.

From the post:

Robert has created an exciting new highlighter for Lucene, PostingsHighlighter, our third highlighter implementation (Highlighter and FastVectorHighlighter are the existing ones). It will be available starting in the upcoming 4.1 release.

Highlighting is crucial functionality in most search applications since it’s the first step of the hard-to-solve final inch problem, i.e. of getting the user not only to the best matching documents but getting her to the best spot(s) within each document. The larger your documents are, the more crucial it is that you address the final inch. Ideally, your user interface would let the user click on each highlight snippet to jump to where it occurs in the full document, or at least scroll to the first snippet when the user clicks on the document link. This is in general hard to solve: which application renders the content is dependent on its mime-type (i.e., the browser will render HTML, but will embed Acrobat Reader to render PDF, etc.).

Google’s Chrome browser has an ingenious solution to the final inch problem, when you use “Find…” to search the current web page: it highlights the vertical scroll bar showing you where the matches are on the page. You can then scroll to those locations, or, click on the highlights in the scroll bar to jump there. Wonderful!

All Lucene highlighters require search-time access to the start and end offsets per token, which are character offsets indicating where in the original content that token started and ended. Analyzers set these two integers per-token via the OffsetAttribute, though some analyzers and token filters are known to mess up offsets which will lead to incorrect highlights or exceptions during highlighting. Highlighting while using SynonymFilter is also problematic in certain cases, for example when a rule maps multiple input tokens to multiple output tokens, because the Lucene index doesn’t store the full token graph.

An interesting addition to the highlighters in Lucene.

Be sure to follow the link to Mike’s comments about the limitations on SynonymFilter and the difficulty of correction.

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