Checking the “sponsored by” link for pdfx v1.0 and discovered: Utopia Documents.
From the homepage:
Reading, redefined.
Utopia Documents brings a fresh new perspective to reading the scientific literature, combining the convenience and reliability of the PDF with the flexibility and power of the web. Free for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Building Bridges
The scientific article has been described as a Story That Persuades With Data, but all too often the link between data and narrative is lost somewhere in the modern publishing process. Utopia Documents helps to rebuild these connections, linking articles to underlying datasets, and making it easy to access online resources relating to an article’s content.
A Living Resource
Published articles form the ‘minutes of science‘, creating a stable record of ideas and discoveries. But no idea exists in isolation, and just because something has been published doesn’t mean that the story is over. Utopia Documents reconnects PDFs with the ongoing discussion, keeping you up-to-date with the latest knowledge and metrics.
Make private notes for yourself, annotate a document for others to see or take part in an online discussion.
Explore article content
Looking for clarification of given terms? Or more information about them? Do just that, with integrated semantic search.
Interact with live data
Interact directly with curated database entries- play with molecular structures; edit sequence and alignment data; even plot and export tabular data.
A finger on the pulse
Stay up to date with the latest news. Utopia connects what you read with live data from Altmetric, Mendeley, CrossRef, Scibite and others.
A user can register for an account (enabling comments on documents) or use the application anonymously.
Presently focused on the life sciences but no impediment to expansion into computer science for example.
It doesn’t solve semantic diversity issues so an opportunity for topic maps there.
Doesn’t address the issue of documents being good at information delivery but not so good for information storage.
But issues of semantic diversity and information storage, are growth areas for Utopia Documents, not reservations about its use.
Suggest you start using and exploring Utopia Documents sooner rather than later!