24 Christmas Gifts from is.R by David Smith.
From the post:
The is.R blog has been on a roll in December with their Advent CalendaR feature: daily tips about R to unwrap each day leading up to Christmas. If you haven't been following it, start with today's post and scroll down. Sadly there isn't a tag to collect all these great posts together, but here are a few highlights:
- December 4: Reading and writing Stata data files with R
- December 6: Calculating the outline surrounding a collection of points
- December 8: Ranking popularity of terms on Twitter
- December 14: A network of countries, grouped by flag similarity (chart below)
- December 16: Text analysis with random-effects models
- December 21: Beautiful network diagrams (like the one below)
A new to me blog, is.R, a great idea to copy for Christmas next year (posts on the Advent calendar), and high quality posts to enjoy!
Now that really is a bundle of Christmas joy!