Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 19, 2012


Filed under: Data,Data Source,Dataset — Patrick Durusau @ 7:03 pm


From the about page:

At FindTheData, we present you with the facts stripped of any marketing influence so that you can make quick and informed decisions. We present the facts in easy-to-use tables with smart filters, so that you can decide what is best.

Too often, marketers and pay-to-play sites team up to present carefully crafted advertisements as objective “best of” lists. As a result, it has become difficult and time consuming to distinguish objective information from paid placements. Our goal is to become a trusted source in assisting you in life’s important decisions.

FindTheData is organized into 9 broad categories

Each category includes dozens of Comparisons from smartphones to dog breeds. Each Comparison consists of a variety of listings and each listing can be sorted by several key filters or compared side-by-side.

Traditional search is a great hammer but sometimes you need a wrench.

Currently search can find any piece of information across hundreds of billions of Web pages, but when you need to make a decision whether it’s choosing the right college or selecting the best financial advisor, you need information structured in an easily comparable format. FindTheData does exactly that. We help you compare apples-to-apples data, side-by-side, on a wide variety of products & services.

If you think in the same categories as the authors, sorta like using LCSH, you are in like Flint. If you don’t, well, your mileage may vary.

While some people may find it convenient to have tables and sorts pre-set for them, it would be nice to be able to download the data files.

Still, you may find it useful to browse for datasets that are new to you.

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