Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 11, 2012

Python interface to Stanford Core NLP tools v1.3.3

Filed under: Natural Language Processing,Python,Stanford NLP — Patrick Durusau @ 5:25 am

Python interface to Stanford Core NLP tools v1.3.3

From the

This is a Python wrapper for Stanford University’s NLP group’s Java-based CoreNLP tools. It can either be imported as a module or run as a JSON-RPC server. Because it uses many large trained models (requiring 3GB RAM on 64-bit machines and usually a few minutes loading time), most applications will probably want to run it as a server.

  • Python interface to Stanford CoreNLP tools: tagging, phrase-structure parsing, dependency parsing, named entity resolution, and coreference resolution.
  • Runs an JSON-RPC server that wraps the Java server and outputs JSON.
  • Outputs parse trees which can be used by nltk.

It requires pexpect and (optionally) unidecode to handle non-ASCII text. This script includes and uses code from jsonrpc and python-progressbar.

It runs the Stanford CoreNLP jar in a separate process, communicates with the java process using its command-line interface, and makes assumptions about the output of the parser in order to parse it into a Python dict object and transfer it using JSON. The parser will break if the output changes significantly, but it has been tested on Core NLP tools version 1.3.3 released 2012-07-09.

If you have NLP requirements and work in Python, this may be of interest.

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