Introduction to Game Theory – Course by John Duffy.
From the description:
This course is an introduction to game theory, the study of strategic behavior among parties having opposed, mixed or similar interests. This course will sharpen your understanding of strategic behavior in encounters with other individuals–modeled as games–and as a participant in broader markets involving many individuals. You will learn how to recognize and model strategic situations, to predict when and how your actions will influence the decisions of others and to exploit strategic situations for your own benefit.
Slides, homework (with answers), pointers to texts.
The notion of “rational” actors in the marketplace took a real blow from Alan Greenspan confessing before Congress that market players had not acted rationally.
Still, a highly developed field that may give you some insight into the “games” you are likely to encounter in social situations.
I first saw this at Christophe Lalanne’s A bag of tweets / October 2012.