Forbes: “Tokutek Makes Big Data Dance” by Lawrence Schwartz.
From the post:
Recently, our CEO, John Partridge had a chance to talk about novel database technologies for “Big Data” with Peter Cohan of Forbes.
According to the article, “Fractal Tree indexing is helping organizations analyze big data more efficiently due to its ability to improve database efficiency thanks to faster ‘database insertion speed, quicker input/output performance, operational agility, and data compression.’” As a start-up based on “the first algorithm-based breakthrough in the database world in 40 years,” Toktuetek is following in the footsteps of firms such as Google and RSA, which also relied on novel algortithm advances as core to their technology.
To read the full article, and to see how Tokutek is helping companies tackle big data, see here.
I would ignore Peter Cohan’s mistakes about the nature of credit card processing. You don’t wait for the “ok” on your account balance.
Remember What if all transactions required strict global consistency? by Matthew Aslett of the 451 Group? Eventual consistency works right now.
I would have picked “hot schema” changes as a feature to highlight but that might not play as well with a business audience.