Apache Stanbol graduates to Top-Level Project
From the post:
The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has announced that Apache Stanbol has graduated from project incubation. Stanbol is an open source Java stack designed to interface with a content management system (CMS) to enhance it with semantic information. With the elevation to a Top-Level Project, the ASF recognises that the project’s community has been “well-governed” according to the foundation’s principles and follows “The Apache Way” for running a project.
Stanbol is a modular collection of reasoning engines, content enhancers and components to manage rules and metadata for content fed into the framework, all wrapped with a RESTful API and orchestrated within an Apache Felix OSGi container. A CMS adapter allows the system to connect to content management systems from which it can extract data to use in evaluating and developing rules and annotations.
The RESTful API can then be used to provide semantic information for content from a different source based upon information the server has previously analysed. Stanbol is more of a collection of reusable components than a complete solution for semantic searching, however. It is designed to work alongside CMS systems and existing search software.
I suppose too much *nix experience has made me suspicious of “complete solutions” for anything. Components, particularly interchangeable ones, seem a lot more robust.