Troll Detection with Scikit-Learn by Andreas Mueller.
I had thought that troll detection was one of those “field guide” sort of things:
After reading Andreas’ post, apparently not. 😉
From the post:
Cross-post from Peekaboo, Andreas Mueller‘s computer vision and machine learning blog. This post documents his experience in the Impermium Detecting Insults in Social Commentary competition, but rest of the blog is well worth a read, especially for those interested in computer vision and Python scikit-learn and -image.
Recently I entered my first kaggle competition – for those who don’t know it, it is a site running machine learning competitions. A data set and time frame is provided and the best submission gets a money prize, often something between 5000$ and 50000$.
I found the approach quite interesting and could definitely use a new laptop, so I entered Detecting Insults in Social Commentary.
My weapon of choice was Python with scikit-learn – for those who haven’t read my blog before: I am one of the core devs of the project and never shut up about it.
During the competition I was visiting Microsoft Reseach, so this is where most of my time and energy went, in particular in the end of the competition, as it was also the end of my internship. And there was also the scikit-learn release in between. Maybe I can spent a bit more time on the next competition.