Windows into Relational Events: Data Structures for Contiguous Subsequences of Edges by Michael J. Bannister, Christopher DuBois, David Eppstein, Padhraic Smyth.
We consider the problem of analyzing social network data sets in which the edges of the network have timestamps, and we wish to analyze the subgraphs formed from edges in contiguous subintervals of these timestamps. We provide data structures for these problems that use near-linear preprocessing time, linear space, and sublogarithmic query time to handle queries that ask for the number of connected components, number of components that contain cycles, number of vertices whose degree equals or is at most some predetermined value, number of vertices that can be reached from a starting set of vertices by time-increasing paths, and related queries.
Among other interesting questions, raises the issue of what time span of connections constitutes a network of interest? More than being “dynamic.” A definitional issue for the social network in question.
If you are working with social networks, a must read.
PS: You probably need to read: Relational events vs graphs, a posting by David Eppstein.
David details several different terms for “relational event data,” and says there are probably others they did not find. (Topic maps anyone?)