Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 21, 2010

Research: What is the Interaction Cost in Information Visualization?

Research: What is the Interaction Cost in Information Visualization? by Enrico Bertini, came to us via Sam Hunting.

A summary of Heidi Lam’s A Framework of Interaction Costs in Information Visualization but both will repay the time spent reading/studying them.

However intuitive it may seem to its designers, no “semantic” interface is any better than it is perceived to be by its users.


  1. After reading Lam’s article, evaluate two interfaces, one familiar to you and one you encounter as a first-time user.
  2. Using Lam’s framework, how do you evaluate the interfaces?
  3. What aspects of those interfaces would you most like to test with users?
  4. Design a test for two aspects of one of your interfaces. (project*)
  5. Care to update Lam’s listing of papers listing interactivity issues? (project)

* Warning: Test design is partially an art, partially a science and partially stumbling around in semantic darkness. Just so you are aware that done properly, this project will require extra work.

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