NEH Institute Working With Text In a Digital Age
From the webpage:
The goal of this demo/sample code is to provide a platform which institute participants can use to complete an exercise to create a miniature digital edition. We will use these editions as concrete examples for discussion of decisions and issues to consider when creating digital editions from TEI XML, annotations and other related resources.
Some specific items for consideration and discussion through this exercise :
- Creating identifiers for your texts.
- Establishing markup guidelines and best practices.
- Use of inline annotations versus standoff markup.
- Dealing with overlapping hierarchies.
- OAC (Open Annotation Collaboration)
- Leveraging annotation tools.
- Applying Linked Data concepts.
- Distribution formats: optimzing for display vs for enabling data reuse.
Excellent resource!
Offers a way to learn/test digital edition skills.
You can use it as a template to produce similar materials with texts of greater interest to you.
The act of encoding asks what subjects you are going to recognize and under what conditions? Good practice for topic map construction.
Not to mention that historical editions of a text have made similar, possibly differing decisions on the same text.
Topic maps are a natural way to present such choices on their own merits, as well as being able to compare and contrast those choices.
I first saw this at The banquet of the digital scholars.