I stopped by the Lucene site to check for upgrades to find:
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the availability of Apache Lucene 4.0-BETA and Apache Solr 4.0-BETA
Lucene can be downloaded from http://lucene.apache.org/core/mirrors-core-latest-redir.html
and Solr can be downloaded from http://lucene.apache.org/solr/mirrors-solr-latest-redir.htmlHighlights of the Lucene release include:
- IndexWriter.tryDeleteDocument can sometimes delete by document ID, for higher performance in some applications.
- New experimental postings formats: BloomFilteringPostingsFormat uses a bloom filter to sometimes avoid disk seeks when looking up terms, DirectPostingsFormat holds all postings as simple byte[] and int[]for very fast performance at the cost of very high RAM consumption.
- CJK analysis improvements: JapaneseIterationMarkCharFilter normalizes Japanese iteration marks, added unigram+bigram support to CJKBigramFilter.
- Improvements to Scorer navigation API (Scorer.getChildren) to support all queries, useful for determining which portions of the query matched.
- Analysis improvements: factories for creating Tokenizer, TokenFilter, and CharFilter have been moved from Solr to Lucene’s analysis module, less memory overhead for StandardTokenizer and Snowball filters.
- Improved highlighting for multi-valued fields.
- Various other API changes, optimizations and bug fixes.
Highlights of the Solr release include:
- Added a Collection management API for Solr Cloud.
- Solr Admin UI now clearly displays failures related to initializing SolrCores
- Updatable documents can create a document if it doesn’t already exist,nor you can force that the document must already exist.
- Full delete-by-query support for Solr Cloud.
- Default to NRTCachingDirectory for improved near-realtime performance.
- Improved Solrj client performance with Solr Cloud: updates are only sent to leaders by default.
- Various other API changes, optimizations and bug fixes.