Themes in streaming algorithms (workshop at TU Dortmund) by Anna C. Gilbert.
From the post:
I recently attended the streaming algorithms workshop at Technische Universitat Dortumund. It was a follow-on to the very successful series of streaming algorithms workshops held in Kanpur over the last six years. Suresh and Andrew have both given excellent summaries of the individual talks at the workshop (see day 1, day 2, and day 3) so, as both a streaming algorithms insider and outsider, I thought it would be good to give a high-level overview of what themes there are in streaming algorithms research these days, to identify new areas of research and to highlight advances in existing areas.
Anna gives the briefest of summaries but I think they will entice you to look further.
Curious, how would you distinguish a “stream of data” from “read once data?”
That is in the second case you only get one pass at reading the data. Errors are just that, errors, but you can’t look back to be sure.
Is data “integrity” an artifact of small data sets and under-powered computers?