Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

August 11, 2012

Confusing Statistical Term #7: GLM

Filed under: Names,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:43 pm

Confusing Statistical Term #7: GLM by Karen Grace-Martin.

From the post:

Like some of the other terms in our list–level and beta–GLM has two different meanings.

It’s a little different than the others, though, because it’s an abbreviation for two different terms:

General Linear Model and Generalized Linear Model.

It’s extra confusing because their names are so similar on top of having the same abbreviation.

And, oh yeah, Generalized Linear Models are an extension of General Linear Models.

And neither should be confused with Generalized Linear Mixed Models, abbreviated GLMM.


So what’s the difference? And does it really matter?

As you probably have guessed, yes.

You will need a reading knowledge of statistics to really appreciate the post. If you don’t have such knowledge, now would be a good time to pick it up.

Statistics are a way of summarizing information about subjects. You can rely on the judgements of others on such summaries or you can have your own.

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