Running a UIMA Analysis Engine in a Lucene Analyzer Chain by Sujit Pal.
From the post:
Last week, I wrote about a UIMA Aggregate Analysis Engine (AE) that annotates keywords in a body of text, optionally inserting synonyms, using a combination of pattern matching and dictionary lookups. The idea is that this analysis will be done on text on its way into a Lucene index. So this week, I describe the Lucene Analyzer chain that I built around the AE I described last week.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is one that shows what I am (or will be soon, in much greater detail) talking about.
[Graphic omitted]
As you can imagine, most of the work happens in the UimaAETokenizer. The tokenizer is a buffering (non-streaming) Tokenizer, ie, the entire text is read from the Reader and analyzed by the UIMA AE, then individual tokens returned on successive calls to its incrementToken() method. I decided to use the new (to me) AttributeSource.State object to keep track of the tokenizer’s state between calls to incrementToken() (found out about it by grokking through the Synonym filter example in the LIA2 book).
After (UIMA) analysis, the annotated tokens are marked as Keyword, any transformed values for the annotation are set into the SynonymMap (for use by the synonym filter, next in the chain). Text that is not annotated are split up (by punctuation and whitespace) and returned as plain Lucene Term (or CharTerm since Lucene 3.x) tokens. Here is the code for the Tokenizer class.
The second of two posts from Jack Park.
Part of my continuing interest in indexing. In part because we know that indexing scales. Seriously scales.