Search Algorithms for Conceptual Graph Databases by Abdurashid Mamadolimov.
We consider a database composed of a set of conceptual graphs. Using conceptual graphs and graph homomorphism it is possible to build a basic query-answering mechanism based on semantic search. Graph homomorphism defines a partial order over conceptual graphs. Since graph homomorphism checking is an NP-Complete problem, the main requirement for database organizing and managing algorithms is to reduce the number of homomorphism checks. Searching is a basic operation for database manipulating problems. We consider the problem of searching for an element in a partially ordered set. The goal is to minimize the number of queries required to find a target element in the worst case. First we analyse conceptual graph database operations. Then we propose a new algorithm for a subclass of lattices. Finally, we suggest a parallel search algorithm for a general poset.
While I have no objection to efficient solutions for particular cases, as a general rule those solutions are valid for some known set of cases.
Here we appear to have an efficient solution for some unknown number of cases. I mention it to keep in mind while watching the search literature on graph databases develop.